The Laptop Lounge Community

We’ll help you grow your online business faster — Saving you time while elevating your personal brand.

Graph - Icon
Photo of Victoria Patenaude
Victoria Patenaude
Photo of Pathik Parikh
Pathik Parikh
Photo of Lee Densmer
Lee Densmer
Photo of Brandy Wilkins
Brandy Wilkins
Photo of Jackie Simon
Jackie Simon
Photo of Sawyer Nyquist
Sawyer Nyquist
Photo of Christopher Chin
Christopher Chin
Photo of Sara Royf
Sara Royf
Photo of Corrado Coia
Corrado Coia
Photo of Aman Jain
Aman Jain
Photo of Tammy Harris
Tammy Harris
Photo of Aurrie Hicks
Aurrie Hicks

Instantly boost your network —Business community for solopreneurs, freelancers, and agency owners.

It’s never been easier to start an online business.

But growing that business to support yourself, your family, and your ideal lifestyle is totally different.

If we haven’t met before — Hi, my name is Thomas 👋

I started my first business in 2016, after quitting my job as a pharmacy technician making just $14/hr.

When I started, I knew absolutely nothing about growing a business. 

After hundreds of hours scouring the internet for information, I finally learned the basics of lead generation, sales, and offer creation.

All I knew was that I wanted a business that offered freedom and flexibility — Plus great profits. I was willing to do whatever it took…

But nearly 3 years later, after getting great at sales and generating leads, I burnt out.

I returned to a 9-5 corporate job because after all that time, I was still working too many hours.

My health suffered. I was embarrassed to see my friends and family due to the weight I gained. 

I was divorced and single, with no time for dating. I knew I needed a change.

But despite working a 9-5, I still had the entrepreneurial spirit. I side hustled while working as a financial consultant, sales trainer, then financial analyst.

In 2021, I launched my corporate financial consulting offer. I started this business while working as a financial analyst at a healthcare startup. I also began my MBA program at the time, which I completed in August of 2022.

During this time period I worked a 9-5, completed my MBA, and built my consulting side hustle to $10k per month. At the time it was surreal. I had finally cracked the code to operate a business using as little hours on my behalf as possible.

In the summer of 2022, I accepted a better role as a financial analyst, but after 6 months there, I quit.

It didn’t make sense to work a full-time job anymore alongside a side hustle. Not when the opportunity cost was so high.

I could easily make 10x more scaling my one person business than I could doing both. So I put in my notice on the first working day of 2023 and left corporate for good.

Since then, I’ve generated over $500k in revenue for my one-person businesses, including financial consulting, content writing, and coaching. 

I credit this success to my years spent mastering sales and lead-gen, but combining it with a relentless focus on systemization.

But even after the success, I still had a problem — I didn’t have anyone to talk to about my work.

I had more free time than ever, but no one to share that time with…

That’s ultimately why the Laptop Lounge exists. To pass on my knowledge of lead-generation and sales, provide incredible guest workshops, and to collaborate with other remote entrepreneurs.

Inside the Laptop Lounge — We’re a bunch of remote entrepreneurs growing and learning together. Not only does the Lounge teach you how to generate more leads and close more sales, but you also get the benefit of networking, making friends, and growing as a group.

If you’re a serious remote entrepreneur — The Laptop Lounge was made for you.

Testimonial of Cecillia HollmerusTestimonial of Matt MikeTestimonial of Amal Rohail

Our Promise To You



We talk about revenue generating activities every week in the Lounge — from lead-gen to sales. While money isn’t the only goal of your business, it’s a big way we help you hit your goals.

Revenue is important, and we offer courses, expert workshops, and expert feedback on how you can increase your top line sales.



No one succeeds in business alone. Whether that be because referrals help you land new clients, or the support from others expedites your business progress.

Either way, having a network of like-minded people makes building an online business more fun, easier, and less stressful. We all win — together.



One of the core topics we teach inside the Lounge is organic content creation. Essentially, how to become a thought leader, build your social media following, and generate leads from your posts.

We don’t teach “growth hacking,” but we will help you develop the perfect content strategy for your business goals.



One of the best ways to boost your profits isn’t getting better at sales or generating more leads, it’s fine-tuning your business processes so you can free up your time and serve more customers.

Inside the Lounge, we help you properly develop business systems so you can delegate and automate effectively.

The bottom line

We help members of the Laptop Lounge expand their reach, get more leads, and increase revenue plus profits. We learn, grow, and work together to improve your business strategies so you build the lifestyle and business you envision.

Testimonial - Dan GoersTestimonial - Christopher ChinTestimonial - Aman N. Jain

Why do so few remote & online business owners actually succeed? 2 problems:

Not enough leads.
Not enough time.

Growing your online business is hard, because there are so many skills to learn.

Unless you’re young, single, without kids and live at home with your parents — You don’t have the time to learn all these skills on your own. Especially if you’re creating content and building your personal brand.

And you definitely don’t have the time to brute force your way to more leads by commenting on social media for 6+ hours every day. But let’s be real — that’s no life worth living anyway.

However, a life worth living is becoming a successful remote business owner. To do so, there’s a lot of skills you need to learn.



There are so many different forms of selling. Video calls, cold outreach, and social selling for starters. How do you stand out and get clients when there’s so much competition and so many different methods available?


Content Creation

Building your personal brand and getting good organic reach on your content is crucial for lead generation. But what strategy should you implement? How do you write content that gets views and consistent leads?



There’s no way around it, you have to sell through writing as an online business owner. Either through email, landing pages, or in direct messages. If you don’t have a solid copy foundation, you’ll never make sales.


Offer Creation

How do you structure an offer that is irresistible, yet doesn’t break your back and require too much work from you? You have to create an offer that sales and scales. That’s tough.


Pricing Strategies

There’s a lot of conflicting advice out there online about how to price your services and products. “Only sell high-ticket.” “Build a complete funnel.” How do you know which is right for your business?



Even if you only plan to be a solo business owner forever, you know to use your time effectively you need to delegate. How do you hire a VA? How to outsource effectively? Oftentimes it’s a process and mindset…


AI and automation tools can be a huge benefit to your business, yet all you see online is “breaking news in the AI space” and “new tool!” … how do you determine the best way to automate your tasks, and which ones to automate at all?

And whether you learn all of the skills on your own or not...

You’ll still have to do it while searching the best resources on Youtube, juggling your home life, your health, and battling with that internal dialogue that says you aren’t cut out for this. You are.

You just need the right community and guidance to expedite the process.

We’ll help you master each of the skills above.

Learn from me and other experts

Hey, Thomas again! 👋 Not only will you get direct guidance from me whenever you need, the Laptop Lounge welcomes a guest expert workshop every single month. Check out some of our recent and upcoming workshops!

Mastering LinkedIn Social Selling - Harris Fanaroff - Workshop
Tools for Solopreneurs - Anna Burgess Yang - Workshop
How to Write Stand Out Stories - Michael Thompson - Workshop
Crafting a Strategic Brand - Aurrie Hicks - Workshop
New Workshop Hosted Every Month

Reach Your Full Potential

I’m a huge NBA fan and I’m assuming you know who Michael Jordan is…

Michael is considered by most NBA fans to be the greatest basketball player to ever live. He won 6 NBA championships, 5 MVP awards, led the NBA in scoring 10 times and won 2 olympic gold medals.

Let me tell you a quick story about Michael “Air” Jordan…

Michael Jordan was drafted to the Chicago Bulls in 1984. 

In Michael’s first 3 seasons in the NBA, the Bulls lost more games than they won in every single one of those seasons. 

Then in 1987, 2 important events occurred:

Scottie Pippen was drafted by the Chicago Bulls with the 5th pick in the NBA draft
Phil Jackson was signed to the Chicago Bulls as an assistant coach

The next season was the very first time Michael Jordan’s Bulls won more games than they lost.

In 1989, Phil Jackson became the head coach of the team.

It wasn’t until 1991 that Michael Jordan and his Chicago Bulls ever won their first championship. They ended up winning 6 NBA championships in the 1990’s, including winning 3 in a row on 2 different occasions.

Do you think Michael would have accomplished this without the right coach and without great teammates? Of course not.

It doesn’t take away from any of his accomplishments as an individual. It simply means that in order to reach his full potential, he needed the right people around him.

The Laptop Lounge aims to put the right people around you, so like Michael, you can reach your full potential. 

A coach guiding you with the best plays, and teammates to help you assist you in your journey.

So… How does the Lounge work…?

Enjoy Courses And Webinars

Think of the Laptop Lounge as a hub of knowledge.

Everything we have all learned and implemented in our businesses is located within — we share our expertise with one another!

There’s also dozens of training videos and video courses on a variety of topics, including outreach messaging, content strategy, offer creation, and more.

A Screenshot of The Laptop Lounge on Mobile Devices

Get Feedback From Myself And Other Business Owners

Feedback and guidance is special. Especially when it comes from peers and a coach that cares about your progress.

The feedback you’ll receive inside the Laptop Lounge is high-quality, fast, and effective.

Not only is there a feedback forum, there are also office hour coffee chats multiple times a month so you can get your big questions answered.

A Screenshot of The Laptop Lounge on Mobile Devices

Access Expert Workshops

Once a month, a guest speaker comes inside the Laptop Lounge and delivers a presentation that will improve your business.

You’ll receive exercises and insights that you can’t find elsewhere — unless you pay thousands of dollars.

The Laptop Lounge is designed to get you expert-level training, without the expert tier price tag.

A Screenshot of The Laptop Lounge on Desktop Devices

Courses Include

Money Printing Offers - CourseRed Hot Leads - Course

Here’s what students say about our courses and coaching

Summary of Everything You Get



Weekly office hours, hot seats, and feedback sessions.


Member Forum + Chat

Access to our community forum as well as real–time chat.



Dedicated space to meet other online business owners.


Content Systems

All of our strategy, AI, and thought leadership frameworks.


All Video Courses

Instant and complete access to every digital course created.


Expert Workshops

Monthly Guest Experts — Past recording and all future sessions.

Our members are vetted and chosen

You might be wondering why you can’t buy a membership right now and have to join the waitlist.

This is because our members are vetted and chosen based on their expertise, the current state of their business, and how serious they are about their growth.

The Laptop Lounge is small and designed to stay small.

We want every member to get the dedicated feedback and guidance they deserve.

Our goal isn’t to maximize our revenue at all costs. It’s to maximize the results our members achieve.

Therefore, new members are added on a rolling basis and hand-selected.

If you are a full-time remote solopreneur, or on the verge of becoming one through a well established side hustle, I encourage you to join the waitlist.

One last note…

The Laptop Lounge is not for those crafting their business idea and getting started.

This community is for those looking to elevate their existing business and get to the next level. 🔥

The Founder

About me

Thomas Strider

I grow service-based businesses

My entrepreneurship journey began in January 2016 when I launched my photography business. Later that year I launched my second company, content writing.

I operated both of these until mid-2018, earning over $600k in revenue during that time.

After returning to the corporate world in 2018 for 4 years, I built a financial consulting side hustle to $180k in revenue — Pivoting to this full-time at the beginning of 2023.

This same time period is when I began coaching other small business owners and solopreneurs — I have coached over 100 entrepreneurs to date — helping them achieve over $45 Million in additional profits.

I bring all of this entrepreneurship and coaching experience to the Laptop Lounge, which I’m determined to make the best community for remote entrepreneurs in the world.

Photo of Thomas StriderPhoto of Thomas Strider With His Dog

More about me…


Professional Writer

A professional content & copywriter since 2016. I still write for several publications.


MBA in Data Analytics

Completed a 14 month fast-track with a focus on quantitative storytelling & analysis.


1 Company Exit

Sold my content agency contracts for an undisclosed 6-figure amount.


Investor & Advisor

Angel investor in 4 different companies, most recent being RightMessage.


30,000+ Followers

Created personal branding content since June 2022, amassing over 30k followers.


85,000,000+ Views

My social content and blogs have generated over 85 million impressions.

What If I Don’t Have Much Time…?

Every member of the Laptop Lounge is a busy entrepreneur. That’s why the Lounge is designed to be a resource, not a second (or third) job.

Sometimes, you’ll be able to take advantage of everything the Lounge has to offer in short bursts. Other times you need to go perform work for your clients. 

The Lounge will always be available to you when you need feedback or inspiration, and is leveraged by members in different capacities.

Every member that has joined has told me they received massive value within the first weeks since joining.

Even if you think you don’t have the time to get everything out of the Lounge, results and other members say you’ll end up spending more time here than you think.
